Thursday, 19 December 2013



Hello everybody, we are all looking forward to Christmas! Making cards, decorating our classrooms and presenting our Christmas performance has been very exciting and exhausting. We are all looking forward to the Christmas holidays. Well done to Year 6 for their achievements. They have received their Young Pioneers certificates  and First Aid badges which were presented in a special assembly on Friday.

We would like to wish you all a very merry and peaceful Christmas and look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Key Stage 2 Double Blog 

Year 3

Year 3 have been enjoying planning and story-boarding their stories about 'The Magic Brush'.They will soon be learning about and using interesting words and punctuation to help them write fantastic stories.
In mathematics, they have been extending their learning by practicing column addition.They found out that it was really easy to add big numbers using this method. Some can even add  up to two or three digit numbers.

Addition Using the Column Method

Year 4   

Year 4 had a fantastic time at the Gudwara in Gravesend. They learned all about Sikhism.They said, "the temple was amazing!"In mathematics, they also made 3D shapes with pipe cleaners and beads.
This helped them learn the properties of shapes.I was really exciting when they put their Christmas tree up on Tuesday 3rd December 2013. Then they made lots of 3D shapes from nets and put them under the tree.

Year 5

Year 5 have been studying recount texts.They have tried to write in the style of The Diary of Wimpy Kid.They said "it was great."They are learning methods of division in mathematics and have been practicing their song for the Christmas production.

Year 6

Year 6 have been enjoying learning about the Ancient Olympic Games in Greece and finding out about all the unusual sports. They also made books about Greek Gods and Goddesses and learnt some interesting facts.

An athlete prepares to throw a discus

By Marshal Novelli