Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Key Stage 1

Welcome to our blog - the last week of January!

Apple Class have been  learning about Chinese new year and they have been ordering numbers  and they was talking about peace  and in phonics they  have been learning about sh and ch.
In Birch Class in English they have been retelling the story of Dogger and making up their own stories about losing toys. In Numeracy they have  been solving problems.

Cherry Class have been finding out information about giraffes. Did you know that a giraffe's kick can break a lion's skull? They have also started making model African animals in Art.

by Alex, Billy, Connor and Liam

Friday, 24 January 2014

Term 3 - Week 3

Posted by Libby and Bayley - Elm Class

Year 6

We have made peace jars filled with glitter, paint and water. They will help us feel peaceful and calm down.

Year 5

Thank you to all of you who joined us for our learning assembly. This week we have been learning all about mass, length and capacity.

Year 4

This week we have been having fun making dot pictures in the style of an Australian aboriginal artist. In mathematics we have been learning how to solve real life problems, involving division using r u c s a c.    

Year 3

We have been learning lots about the Romans this week.  We discussed whether Boudicca was right to start a rebellion and research information about Roman gods on the internet.

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Apple Class have been adding up. They have also been reading a story about peace. They also played outside.

Birch class diary of the week: In numeracy they have been taking away. They also have been helping super heroes solve problems. They have also  been writing a story about their favourite toy in literacy and every morning they have been leaning how to handwrite.

Cherry Class  have been reading the story of Almaz and the Lion which is set in Ethiopia. They have written character descriptions and story endings. In Numeracy they have been adding and taking away. They have also learnt about the Muslim festival of Eid.

by Toby, Alfie, Abbie and Abi

Friday, 17 January 2014

Term 3 - Week 2

Typing by Libby and Bayley in Elm Class (Year 3)

Year 6

We are enjoying learning about The Tudors.  Our learning assembly was all about Henry VIII and his six wives.  We are also finding out about electricity in Science.

Year 5

We have begun our work on The Aztecs.  They seem to be a gruesome lot!

Year 4

We have been exploring electrical circuits in Science and found a circuit must include a power supply to work. Our first swimming lesson this week was great fun!

Year 3

We have started learning all about the Romans. So far we have been finding out about Boudicca and why the Romans invaded Britain.

The weather.......................................


Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Apple class went on a trip to pizza express . They made pizzas and they got pizza hats. They have also been learning about the Artic and Antarctic and made penguins and icebergs.


Birch class have been following instructions. They have made paper planes.


Cherry class have been learning about compass points and different areas of Africa. They have also been reading stories about Grace and writing diaries and letters.

By Becky, Tiffany, Rhiann and Rihanna

Friday, 10 January 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Year 3

We have started to learn about the Romans this week and will be finding out what they liked to eat.  We are hoping to have a Roman banquet later in the term but we probably won't be eating ALL of the things that Romans liked to eat.........

Year 4

Year 4 have started the Term well and have just embarked on an exciting Science project involving electricity........


Year 5

A week of learning about all kinds of pronouns....tricky little things.  Our trees are doing well in their pots ready for planting in the Spring.

Year 6

Year 6 have come back to School rested and ready to learn.  They have a lot of hard work ahead of them but they are definitely up for the challenge!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Happy New Year from Key Stage 1 and EYFS

Apple Class have been learning how to tell time and they did guided reading in the morning.
They did phonics and they made a ice cafĂ© in  the roll play area.

Birch Class they made paper planes and they made paper swans to follow instructions.

Cherry Class have started their new topic of Africa. They have been writing descriptions of African scenery using adjectives, similes and positional language.

by Vienna, Amadu, Billy and Alistair