Friday, 28 November 2014

Key Stage 2 News!

Year 3

This week we have been designing and making photo frames for someone special! In Mathematics we have been practising our times tables and division facts. The class champion can answer 30 questions correctly in only 50 seconds! Phew!! 

Year 4

This week we have been going on an adventure in English and we have written diary entries about it. We have also been looking at the points of a compass and learning about angles in maths.

Year 5 

There have been some great stories written about Dangerous Places this week. We have also painted the pots for our Aztec topic and are learning how to write computer codes.

Year 6 

We have been looking at personification by studying " The Story of Hiawatha". In Mathematics we have been studying the relationship between percentages, fractions and decimals. Today, we had our final swimming lesson of the term and made great progress!

Friday, 21 November 2014

This week in Key Stage 2

Year 3

This week we have been learning to tell the time and recommend the website
It's fantastic! We have also been boxing up stories to help us organise our writing. Each box is a story part and paragraph.

Year 4

This week we have been using our imagination to travel. In maths, we have been doing column addition and subtraction. In topic, we've been learning about the Anglo Saxons. We also did some weaving and basket making. It was fun.

Year 5

We have been learning about forces. This week we tried to sink a Compare Bear, in a canister, in a cylinder of water. Like a diving submarine. It was fun - but very messy!

Year 6

We have been story writing using "boxing up". We have been learning to assess and improve our own writing. We started our topic on Electricity by making circuits and in Mathematics we have been practising our mental maths skills.