Friday, 23 December 2016

Christmas Jumper challenge...

Can you spot which member of staff is wearing which Christmas jumper?
There are five to have a go at - it's not easy!
Good luck!

There aren't any prizes - it's just for fun!

Merry Christmas!

On behalf of all staff and Governors, I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Have a great holiday and enjoy the festivities!
Here's to a positive, happy, healthy and successful 2017!
Have fun! :)
Mr Edwards

Issues with images...

Seem to be having a few issues with images on our blog recently. Apologies...
We'll try to get things sorted our end as quickly as possible.
Thanks for your understanding!

Thursday, 8 December 2016

MacMillan send 'thank you' certifcate...

It seems like quite a while ago now, but we have just received our letter and certificate from MacMillan Cancer Support thanking us for our fundraising efforts.

Thank you to everyone who was involved in making our coffee morning a real success. As the photo below shows, we raised a pleasing amount that will be well used by this amazing charity. Thank you!

Received today (8th December 2016)....thank you to all involved!

Downsview 'panto' success!

What a great day! The children were full of smiles and laughs as they returned to school after the pantomime today. It was a great success.

Some of children even went up on stage to tell and joke and share the spotlight with some of the characters in the panto! (Apparently, some their jokes were funnier than mine! Personally, I'm not sure that I believe that!?) Anyway, an exciting and memorable experience.

Thank you to all staff for making the trip so special, to all of the additional adult helpers who supported us, to all parents  for allowing us to take the children to the theatre, to the PTA for contributing to the cost of the trip and especially to the children who represented the school beautifully.

Thank you also to our coach drivers who were fantastic - always on time, ready to go and with big smiles too!

Year 1 Dinosaur Workshop

What a great way to begin a new learning project! At the start of Term 2 (November 2016),  Birch Class spent the morning as palaeontologists...

Take a look at some of the photos taken during the workshop - they're great!

In the photos, you can see the children fully engaged in their tasks and learning lots about the prehistoric dinosaurs from millions of years ago....a fantastic way to introduce a new topic to the children!

Thank you to Miss Selby for organising the visit and to Dr Helen from PalaeoQuest for leading this highly interactive and absorbing session.

Carefully using paintbrushes to move the sand and discover fossils...

Wow! Look what we've discovered!

Magnifying glasses help us to look more closely and carefully....

Look at the size of that bone?!

Carefully does it....

Downsview goes to the pantomime!

You can feel the excitement in school this morning....

Today, the whole school are heading to The Stag Theatre in Sevenoaks to enjoy the seasonal pantomime! This year, the performance is Sleeping Beauty...and I'm sure the children will be cheering and boo-ing appropriately at the different characters that appear on stage. It should be great fun and a very memorable experience.

I would like to thank the Friends of Downsview (PTA) for their generous donation of £1000 towards the cost of the trip. Without this, transport costs and theatre ticket cost would have just been too expensive. As a result of their donation, the cost of the trip has been subsidised greatly giving us great value for money.

The event has needed a great deal of planning and organisation and I am very grateful to Miss Page and Mrs Burke for spearheading this work. They have done a fantastic job in preparation for the pantomime - thank you both!

So, it's nearly time to depart....oh no it isn't! (Sorry - couldn't resist!) Mr Edwards

PS - A reminder to all parents driving cars today: please do not park on the school driveway. With two coaches arriving and departing throughout the day, we need the driveway to be clear from any obstacles. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Parents of children attending the afternoon performance are to wait in the playground (approx. 4:30p.m) for the returning coaches. Staff will be on hand to support a safe and smooth handover of children! Thank you.

Growth Mindset Workshop for Year 5 & 6

Last week, Tim Hall visited the school and spent the day working with Year 5 & 6 children to develop their 'growth mindset'. They took part in a range of activities including juggling, learning a brilliant pen trick (using slight of hand!) and building full size teepees!

Throughout the day, Tim talked to the children about their dreams and aspirations....they discussed what skills the children would need to make these dreams come true. It was an inspirational day that I hope has helped the children to further develop their resilience and help them to believe that anything is possible if they go for it and give it 100%!

Thank you to Tim for supporting our children to believe in themselves and to staff at school for participating so willingly and getting stuck in too!

For more information about the work Tim does, please feel free to visit his website: