Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Our second key stage 1 blog

Dear Readers

Welcome to our second key stage 1 blog.

Birch blog: in maths they have been taking away and writing story maps.

Apple class:  They have been leaning about the book Funnybones and have been making their own funny bone pictures. They have been leaning how to write the alphabet and counting. Also they have been learning about dark and shine and learning about how to count numicon.     

Apple Class' fantastic Funnybones display
Cherry class have been learning about the Hindu festival of Divali by making diva lamps out of clay. They have also been learning about the biggest mammal in the world - the blue whale. Did you know a blue whale can eat the weight of 2 cars in krill each day! They have also been practicing for their class assembly this week and hope that you can come and see it on Thursday this week.

By Becky, Maisie, Toby and Connor.