Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Dragons, Magic Dust and Mr Men

Cherry Class

This week on Cherry Class we have had some visitors...


We have been doing some writing and art work based around our dragon eggs. We have written descriptions of what we think the dragon might look like and made information leaflets all about looking after a baby dragon. We also painted a picture of a dragon using water colours.

Apple Class

They've been learning the sounds q and z.They have done a Mr Man dance. They played outside with hoops and balls.

Birch Class

They have used magic dust and in literacy they have been reading poems.  

By Abi T, Alex, Alfie and Paige

Friday, 22 November 2013

Friendship Week

Year 3

We have been working on telling the time in Mathematics and finding it really tricky! We will be looking at all kinds of clocks, including those with Roman numerals.
Roman Numerals

Year 4

PC O' Leary came to talk to us about internet safety. She taught us how to be safe online and how to deal with cyber bullying. We all made friendship cards on Tuesday and played some fun friendship games to celebrate friendship week.
PC O' Leary

A Friendship Card


Year 5

P.E. was fun this week, learning to play 'High 5's', (a kind of netball). In Mathematics we have been investigating consecutive numbers.

Consecutive Numbers

Year 6

We have been writing adventure stories. We have used a great variety of descriptive language. We are also enjoying playing basketball with Mr House in P. E. lessons.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Robin Hood

Today we had a visit from the pantomime actors from The Stag Theatre in Sevenoaks. Silly Billy, Robin Hood, Maid Marian and Nurse Nellie came to show us  all about pantomime. It was really funny and everyone had to join in and shout out every time we saw a ghost. We also had to shout "Hiya Billy!" when Silly Billy appeared.

"The people were funny," Tieghan

"It was so hilarious my sides hurt!" Freddie

"My favourite actor was Silly Billy because he was very silly!" Finley

"I really liked it when Silly Billy smacked Nurse Nellie in the face!" Joshua

"I liked it when Silly Billy pretended to be Harry Potter by going on a broom" Jack

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Elmer, Magic and Bread Making

Hello from Key Stage 1. We have had a very busy week. Read on to find out about what we have done.

In Apple Class they have been learning about Elmer the Elephant. They also been playing in the sand.

in Birch Class they are writing magical stories learning 2d shapes and telling stories.

In Cherry Class we have been learning about The Great Fire of London. We have written fire poems, making fire pictures and today we baked bread because the Fire of London started in a bakery. When London burnt down it destroyed 13,200 houses but only 9 people died. There were no fire engines at that time.

By Freddie, Finley, Abbie and Rhiann

Friday, 8 November 2013

Key Stage Two - Our First Blog in Term Two!

Year 3

We have enjoyed looking at humorous poems this week-we have been writing our own verses about how classes go out of the hall, e.g. Miss Snake's class slithered out!

Year 4

Making Christmas cards this week was fantastic.We can't wait until they arrive. Miss Simpson has been helping us to improve our firework poems. Come and have a look at our class display.         

Year 5

We have been learning about Slam Poems this week and how we can perform poems. 'Chocolate Cake' was the favourite! Don't forget gardening on the 16th of November. Looking forward to seeing you all with your forks and spades. Thanks to all the parents who helped us make our Christmas cards.

Year 6

We enjoyed making Christmas pictures for our cards and having our parents come in and help us. We have also really enjoyed learning to play basketball. The girls are very good at scoring goals!