Key Stage Two - Our First Blog in Term Two!
Year 3
We have enjoyed looking at humorous poems this week-we have been writing our own verses about how classes go out of the hall, e.g. Miss Snake's class slithered out!
Year 4
Making Christmas cards this week was fantastic.We can't wait until they arrive. Miss Simpson has been helping us to improve our firework poems. Come and have a look at our class display.
Year 5
We have been learning about Slam Poems this week and how we can perform poems. 'Chocolate Cake' was the favourite! Don't forget gardening on the 16th of November. Looking forward to seeing you all with your forks and spades. Thanks to all the parents who helped us make our Christmas cards.

Year 6
We enjoyed making Christmas pictures for our cards and having our parents come in and help us. We have also really enjoyed learning to play basketball. The girls are very good at scoring goals!