Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Key Stage 1 this week

This week Apple class have been travelling along a bench in P.E. and also balancing and also made animal puppets. They played the bus stop game and some number games.

This week in Cherry class we have practicing our assembly and getting stuff sorted for it. Also we have been practicing  our ocarina  for our assembly. We have been reading African stories such as the rain goddess, Mamo on the Mountain, Grace and family, Amazing Grace and Almaz and the lion.
We have been learning about the Seychelles islands. They are made up of 130 islands. The Seychelles are the smallest parts of Africa. There is a big one of them and one is so small that you can't see it on a map that has all the parts of Africa. We have been using mod rock and improving our models. In our phonics we have been learning about tip top: T and I stand for time and p stands for person  and in top T and o stands for topic and action  and p stands for place.  
A beach in The Seychelles

In Birch class they have been leaning 2 digit numbers and in English they are reading and writing  rhymes and learning about castles.

by Vienna, Abbie, Finley and Liam