Firstly, I hope that you have been and are still enjoying your break (despite the weather!). Frankly, there has been very little sunshine to enjoy but I'm sure that hasn't stopped you having fun with the family!
During my final assembly of the year on the last day of school in July, I did ask the children to make sure that they 'exercised their brains' regularly over the is so important to keep the key skills of reading, writing and number going over such a lengthy break from school. In just two weeks, a child can forget skills and concepts learnt so it is crucial that over a five week period your child has done something to keep their brain alive.
How many books has your child read this holiday? Perhaps they could come and tell me about their favourites when they return to school! Has anyone written a book review?
Has your child kept a holiday diary or had a chance to do some writing? If not, why not ask them to write a recount about their favourite day or favourite moments of the holiday so far?
Number games and puzzles are always great fun! Has your child played with number this holiday, or spotted patterns or different shapes around them? Dare I mention...times-tables?! If they've not done any yet, it isn't too late - the quicker and more confident they are with their tables the easier they find their Mathematics...go on - go for it! Just 5 minutes a day until we return to school will really help!
I am looking forward to the year ahead and September in particular. The school comes alive when it is filled with smiling, positive and hard working bodies (children and staff alike!)...remember school for children in Years 1 to 6 begins on Monday 7th September. The gates will open at 8:40a.m with registration at 8:55a.m sharp!
Year R children join us a week later on 14th September after Miss Page and the EYFS Team have completed 'home visits'.
See you soon - for lots of learning, hard work and success!
Mr Edwards :)