Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Winter weather - coat reminder!

Dear Downsview Parent,
Winter is on the way....the temperature has plummeted this morning and it is very cold!
Please, please ensure that your child is appropriately clothed in the cold weather. Every child should be wearing a warm coat (possibly with gloves, hat and scarf!).
Even though the weather is cold, we still try to get the children out at playtimes and lunchtimes as it is important for them to get some fresh air and exercise. Therefore, a warm coat is definitely required.
I will be asking all staff to ensure that coats are worn during outdoor playtimes - children will be asked to return to class and get their coat if they are not wearing it as they head towards the playground.
Thank you for your support with this.
Kind regards - Mr Edwards
PS - In the winter months, children are also encouraged to bring in a plain coloured track suit for outdoor PE lessons. If we can head outdoors for PE, we will, but children do need to be prepared for this - a warm plain coloured track suit is ideal. Thank you!

Sunday, 20 November 2016

'Giant' Pudsey in coins...

Downsview supported the 'Children In Need' Appeal again this year and raised a total of £143.40....a tremendous amount of money that will be used to help children in both the UK and around the world.

This year, we did something a bit different - we asked the children to bring in 'loose' change. 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins were all brought in (along with a few £1 coins and a £5 note!).

And with all of the coins, we made a giant Pudsey Bear (as can be seen below).

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our efforts to support C.I.N.

We made Pudsey using all of the coins donated! He was over 2 metres tall!

All of the silver coins made the outline, with the coppers creating the colour!

Every class came to say hello to Pudsey and look at the artwork!

Our Year 6 pupils helped to create the artwork and count the money...all £140+

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Friends of Downsview Xmas Poster Competition

The Friends of Downsview (PTA) are currently very busy getting organised for a number of festive events - The Christmas Shop, Christmas Discos and, of course, the Christmas Fayre.

To advertise the Fayre to the local community, the FoD held a poster competition for all children to enter. They received an overwhelming response with over 95 entries being returned. Fantastic!

Originally, only two prizes (Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2) were to be awarded, however, with such a huge response, it was agreed that one prize per year group would be more appropriate.

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition and made judging such a challenge!

The winners were: Jacob in Year R, Annabelle in Year 1, Matthew in Year 2, Tomoki in Year 3, Jessica in Year 4, Ivanna in Year 5 & Bayley in Year 6. Congratulations to you all!

For info,
  • Christmas Fayre is on Saturday 3rd December 2016 between 12midday - 2:00p.m.
  • Christmas Disco: EYFS & KS1 on Friday 9th December between 4:00 - 5:30p.m
  • Christmas Disco: KS2 on Friday 9th December between 5:45 - 7:15p.m
  • Christmas Shop: Friday 16th December (all day - in school event for children only)

Downsview 'remembers'...

At 11:00a.m on 11th November 2016, Downsview Primary School stopped to 'remember'.

In our special assembly, we thought about all those servicemen and servicewomen who gave up their lives for our freedom today. We talked about why it is important to remember and why we wear the poppy. The two minute silence was conducted with due seriousness with the children showing great respect.

All of the money raised through the purchasing of poppies, snap bands, friendship bracelets, wristbands and reflectors will go to the Royal British Legion in support of those affected by war.

Image result for poppy
Lest we forget.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Year 3 go 'Scrumdidlyumptious'

Year 3 have had a terrific start to their new topic 'Scrumdidlyumptious.' So far, they have found out about Fairtrade products and have started to use Charlie and The Chocolate Factory as a stimulus for their English work.
Throughout the topic, the children will have the opportunity to make (and taste!) some wonderful treats as well as produce some fantastic learning in all subject areas (English, Computing, Maths and Geography to name but a few).

Please check the Elm Class website page regularly to keep updated!

Year 6 Forensic Cyber Crime Scene

Year 6 had planned to participate in a police crime scene investigation in Term 1, linking with their learning project called ID. However, there was a last minute cancellation by Swanley Police and so the event needed to be rescheduled. Hence, Year 6 have just this week become forensic scientists and crime scene specialists working with two police local officers. It was highly engaging and very informative!

The children discussed online safety and acted out a cyber crime. They were then tasked to investigate digital fingerprints, as well as their own, using special police inks. A great afternoon of learning. For a glimpse of the action, please see the photos below...

Solving the crime - with a smile!

Whose fingerprint is this? Does it match?

Fingerprinting and investigating the evidence...look closely for the forensic suit in the background!

Recording the evidence...

Year 2 'Messy Materials'

Cherry Class started the term with a very 'Messy Morning' where the children investigated the properties of different materials.

It was a great way to engage the children and 'hook' them into their new learning project. I'm not sure if Mrs Shah got messy though - perhaps she was taking the photos?

Is it 'flubber'? Looks pretty slimy to me...

This feels weird!

What does it smell like?

"I'm smelling it, not eating it - don't worry!"

Term 2 Learning...

At Downsview Primary School, the learning never stops! Check out what Year 2, Year 3 & Year 6 have been doing lately by reading the next few BLOGs! Here are a few clues...

Messy materials in Year 2, tasty treats in Year 3 and forensic police work in Year 6! Go on...read on!

Friday, 4 November 2016

Year 1 Dinosaur Workshop...

What a great way to introduce a new learning project to Birch Class...our Year 1 children became palaeontologists for the morning and worked alongside Dr Helen from Palaeo-Quest to learn all about fossils and dinosaurs.

It was an excellent morning! The children were highly engaged in a hands-on and fully interactive session discovering some amazing facts about the pre-historic dinosaurs from millions of year ago.

Thank you to Miss Selby and her Year 1 team for organising this absorbing and enjoyable session - a brilliant start to their new topic for Term 2. I can't wait to look at and read some the children's work following this activity.

Take a look at some of the images taken during the workshop...

Using paintbrushes to gently remove the sand to discover fossils...

Wow! Look what we've discovered!

A magnifying glass helps us to see more detail...

Looking CLOSELY for detail and information....

Have you ever seen a bone this big?

A palaeontologist needs to have good observational skills...

Carefully does it...don't damage the fossils!

Highly interactive and engaging...

Teamwork required...gently does it.

Recording skills are required too...