Sunday, 20 November 2016

'Giant' Pudsey in coins...

Downsview supported the 'Children In Need' Appeal again this year and raised a total of £143.40....a tremendous amount of money that will be used to help children in both the UK and around the world.

This year, we did something a bit different - we asked the children to bring in 'loose' change. 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins were all brought in (along with a few £1 coins and a £5 note!).

And with all of the coins, we made a giant Pudsey Bear (as can be seen below).

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our efforts to support C.I.N.

We made Pudsey using all of the coins donated! He was over 2 metres tall!

All of the silver coins made the outline, with the coppers creating the colour!

Every class came to say hello to Pudsey and look at the artwork!

Our Year 6 pupils helped to create the artwork and count the money...all £140+