As the theme was 'magic,' children were asked to dress up as a character from a text which had a magical theme. There were so many amazing costumes. Staff were overwhelmed with wonderful high quality costumes seen across the school.
During our special WBD assembly, each class were given a bag which contained a magical, mysterious character and prop. Using both, children had to come up with a story with a clear beginning, middle and end. These fantastic stories were either written or acted and recorded in our special WBD books which will be kept in our school library.
Every class were given the opportunity to visit the school library and share a book with their class teacher; it was fantastic to observe how engrossed the children were listening to a book being read by their teacher.
It appeared that every child in the school thoroughly enjoyed celebrating WBD! It was lovely to share books, appreciate authors and illustrators, as well as promote reading for pleasure.
Reading is a life skill. It is so important to read EVERY DAY so please ensure your child does so.
Thank you for all your support in promoting the enjoyment of reading.
Winners of the bookmark competition will be announced on Friday 10th March during Golden Assembly. So far, we have had some fantastic entries which will make judging VERY hard.