Thursday, 19 December 2013
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Key Stage 2 Double Blog
Year 3
Year 3 have been enjoying planning and story-boarding their stories about 'The Magic Brush'.They will soon be learning about and using interesting words and punctuation to help them write fantastic stories.
In mathematics, they have been extending their learning by practicing column addition.They found out that it was really easy to add big numbers using this method. Some can even add up to two or three digit numbers.
Year 4
Year 4 had a fantastic time at the Gudwara in Gravesend. They learned all about Sikhism.They said, "the temple was amazing!"In mathematics, they also made 3D shapes with pipe cleaners and beads.
This helped them learn the properties of shapes.I was really exciting when they put their Christmas tree up on Tuesday 3rd December 2013. Then they made lots of 3D shapes from nets and put them under the tree.
Year 5
Year 5 have been studying recount texts.They have tried to write in the style of The Diary of Wimpy Kid.They said "it was great."They are learning methods of division in mathematics and have been practicing their song for the Christmas production.Year 6
Year 6 have been enjoying learning about the Ancient Olympic Games in Greece and finding out about all the unusual sports. They also made books about Greek Gods and Goddesses and learnt some interesting facts.
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An athlete prepares to throw a discus |
By Marshal Novelli
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Dragons, Magic Dust and Mr Men
Cherry Class
This week on Cherry Class we have had some visitors...We have been doing some writing and art work based around our dragon eggs. We have written descriptions of what we think the dragon might look like and made information leaflets all about looking after a baby dragon. We also painted a picture of a dragon using water colours.
Apple Class
They've been learning the sounds q and z.They have done a Mr Man dance. They played outside with hoops and balls.
Birch Class
They have used magic dust and in literacy they have been reading poems.By Abi T, Alex, Alfie and Paige
Friday, 22 November 2013
Friendship Week
Year 3
We have been working on telling the time in Mathematics and finding it really tricky! We will be looking at all kinds of clocks, including those with Roman numerals.
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Roman Numerals |
Year 4
PC O' Leary came to talk to us about internet safety. She taught us how to be safe online and how to deal with cyber bullying. We all made friendship cards on Tuesday and played some fun friendship games to celebrate friendship week.
Year 5
P.E. was fun this week, learning to play 'High 5's', (a kind of netball). In Mathematics we have been investigating consecutive numbers.
Year 6
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Robin Hood
Today we had a visit from the pantomime actors from The Stag Theatre in Sevenoaks. Silly Billy, Robin Hood, Maid Marian and Nurse Nellie came to show us all about pantomime. It was really funny and everyone had to join in and shout out every time we saw a ghost. We also had to shout "Hiya Billy!" when Silly Billy appeared.

"The people were funny," Tieghan
"It was so hilarious my sides hurt!" Freddie
"My favourite actor was Silly Billy because he was very silly!" Finley
"I really liked it when Silly Billy smacked Nurse Nellie in the face!" Joshua
"I liked it when Silly Billy pretended to be Harry Potter by going on a broom" Jack
"The people were funny," Tieghan
"It was so hilarious my sides hurt!" Freddie
"My favourite actor was Silly Billy because he was very silly!" Finley
"I really liked it when Silly Billy smacked Nurse Nellie in the face!" Joshua
"I liked it when Silly Billy pretended to be Harry Potter by going on a broom" Jack
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Elmer, Magic and Bread Making
Hello from Key Stage 1. We have had a very busy week. Read on to find out about what we have done.
In Apple Class they have been learning about Elmer the Elephant. They also been playing in the sand.
in Birch Class they are writing magical stories learning 2d shapes and telling stories.
In Cherry Class we have been learning about The Great Fire of London. We have written fire poems, making fire pictures and today we baked bread because the Fire of London started in a bakery. When London burnt down it destroyed 13,200 houses but only 9 people died. There were no fire engines at that time.
By Freddie, Finley, Abbie and Rhiann
In Apple Class they have been learning about Elmer the Elephant. They also been playing in the sand.
in Birch Class they are writing magical stories learning 2d shapes and telling stories.
In Cherry Class we have been learning about The Great Fire of London. We have written fire poems, making fire pictures and today we baked bread because the Fire of London started in a bakery. When London burnt down it destroyed 13,200 houses but only 9 people died. There were no fire engines at that time.
By Freddie, Finley, Abbie and Rhiann
Friday, 8 November 2013
Key Stage Two - Our First Blog in Term Two!
Year 3
We have enjoyed looking at humorous poems this week-we have been writing our own verses about how classes go out of the hall, e.g. Miss Snake's class slithered out!
Year 4
Making Christmas cards this week was fantastic.We can't wait until they arrive. Miss Simpson has been helping us to improve our firework poems. Come and have a look at our class display.
Year 5
We have been learning about Slam Poems this week and how we can perform poems. 'Chocolate Cake' was the favourite! Don't forget gardening on the 16th of November. Looking forward to seeing you all with your forks and spades. Thanks to all the parents who helped us make our Christmas cards.

Year 6
We enjoyed making Christmas pictures for our cards and having our parents come in and help us. We have also really enjoyed learning to play basketball. The girls are very good at scoring goals!
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
This week in Key Stage 1
Hello Readers!
Sorry we're a day late this week, but read on to find out what we've been up to!
Birch Class
They have been learning about traction man stories.
They have been learning to subtract numbers.
They have been playing a friendship game.
Apple Class
They have been doing letters and sounds and learning about shapes. They went on a walk outside to see different shapes. They have been thinking about senses and have made big ears for a walk dance.
Cherry Class
This week we have finished our topic on Ernest Shackleton. We had a quiz today to see how much we had learnt. Did you know there was a cat called Mrs Chippy on board?
Have a look at our display showing all our learning this term:
Sorry we're a day late this week, but read on to find out what we've been up to!
Birch Class
They have been learning about traction man stories.
They have been learning to subtract numbers.
They have been playing a friendship game.
Apple Class
They have been doing letters and sounds and learning about shapes. They went on a walk outside to see different shapes. They have been thinking about senses and have made big ears for a walk dance.
Cherry Class
This week we have finished our topic on Ernest Shackleton. We had a quiz today to see how much we had learnt. Did you know there was a cat called Mrs Chippy on board?
Have a look at our display showing all our learning this term:
by Tieghan, Bonnie, Jack and Liam
Friday, 18 October 2013
Welcome to our first key stage 2 blog.
We will be updating this blog every Friday so keep checking in to find out what we have been up to!
Year 6
We enjoyed Thursday when were young pioneers and we learnt navigating skills and played capture the flag we made Greek plates and pots from day using original design. We have been making props for our learning assembly,great fun,wait until Wednesday to find out what we made.We enjoyed playing a new version of bench ball with Mr House in games.
Year 5
Have had great fun making dream catches a big thank you to Mrs Francis for helping. Mrs Cooper, Hanna and Tomoki's mum has been our resident origami expert, helping craft club make pumpkins, bookmarks and hats.Thank you Mrs Cooper.
Year 4
In history work we are studying Anglo-Saxons.This week we have enjoyed finding out about the magical treasures found at Sutton Hoo. We have also been learning different subtracting methods in maths.It was difficult but we got it in the end.We have been practicing handwriting and it is improving! P.E. lessons have been fantastic fun and our performance is getting better.
Year 3
We have really enjoyed making patterned poems about cats. We had to write two line poems with the same number of syllables in each line. It was tricky!
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Our second key stage 1 blog
Dear Readers
Welcome to our second key stage 1 blog.
Birch blog: in maths they have been taking away and writing story maps.
Apple class: They have been leaning about the book Funnybones and have been making their own funny bone pictures. They have been leaning how to write the alphabet and counting. Also they have been learning about dark and shine and learning about how to count numicon.
Cherry class have been learning about the Hindu festival of Divali by making diva lamps out of clay. They have also been learning about the biggest mammal in the world - the blue whale. Did you know a blue whale can eat the weight of 2 cars in krill each day! They have also been practicing for their class assembly this week and hope that you can come and see it on Thursday this week.
By Becky, Maisie, Toby and Connor.
Welcome to our second key stage 1 blog.
Birch blog: in maths they have been taking away and writing story maps.
Apple class: They have been leaning about the book Funnybones and have been making their own funny bone pictures. They have been leaning how to write the alphabet and counting. Also they have been learning about dark and shine and learning about how to count numicon.
Apple Class' fantastic Funnybones display
By Becky, Maisie, Toby and Connor.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Our first Key Stage 1 blog!
Hello readers!
We are Cherry Class and we are going to tell you about this week in Apple, Birch and Cherry classes.
In Cherry Class we have been learning about Antarctica and we have been writing about penguins, seals and whales. Also, we have been learning about Ernest Shackleton. Did you know his boat got stuck in the ice? His boat was called the Endurance.
In P.E. we have been doing gymnastics with Mrs Thomas and outdoor games with Mr House. Have you played volcanoes and valleys? It's great fun!
Birch Class have been learning about a story called Traction Man and they have been doing some fantastic writing based on the book. They have been collaging and writing about the setting. In Numeracy Birch Class have been making towers of cubes to help with their subtraction.
In Apple Class they have been learning about bones and different parts of the body. When our reporters visited Apple Class some children were Mums and Dads and some were on the bouncy hoppers.
We hope you liked our first blog and that you will come and read our next blog next week!
Cherry Class
We are Cherry Class and we are going to tell you about this week in Apple, Birch and Cherry classes.
In Cherry Class we have been learning about Antarctica and we have been writing about penguins, seals and whales. Also, we have been learning about Ernest Shackleton. Did you know his boat got stuck in the ice? His boat was called the Endurance.
In P.E. we have been doing gymnastics with Mrs Thomas and outdoor games with Mr House. Have you played volcanoes and valleys? It's great fun!
Birch Class have been learning about a story called Traction Man and they have been doing some fantastic writing based on the book. They have been collaging and writing about the setting. In Numeracy Birch Class have been making towers of cubes to help with their subtraction.
In Apple Class they have been learning about bones and different parts of the body. When our reporters visited Apple Class some children were Mums and Dads and some were on the bouncy hoppers.
We hope you liked our first blog and that you will come and read our next blog next week!
Cherry Class
Monday, 16 September 2013
Hi! Ellener and Courtney here... we just wanted to say a quick 'hello' to you all! This is our first blog together and want to make it a good one...
Year 6 Pioneers Project 2013
The Pioneers Project is a fun active day every week ( on a Thursday). Year 6 take part in the project. It is our second week joining the project. Nick and Sarah lead the learning tasks, but sadly Nick couldn't make it this week due to be called out to the army! We still had fun this week though with Sarah and Trigger (also known as) Duncan.
This week we've been reading and orientating maps. We'll need these skills because we're going to the Ashdown Forest in the last week, before Christmas. In the afternoon we were given a map of the school grounds and were given a number from 1 to 10. We had to find the number, using the map to help, and then answer the questions provided.
Last week, our first session, we were split into two teams of 9 per group. The two teams were Hillary and Mallery (two famous explorers). In the afternoon we went outside and learnt to put up a tent and to get across an area without touching the floor. It was all about teamwork. We had so much fun...cant wait till next week!
Monday, 9 September 2013
Welcome back! Term 1 (September 2013)
My sincere apologies for the delay in getting the first blog of the year out to you.
It has been a somewhat busy start to the new academic year - all very positive and productive, but very busy...
Already there have been some exciting opportunities and challenges for our learners.
Year 1 and Year 3 children have new teachers (Mr Pring and Mr Harris respectively) and are rising to the expectations set. Mrs Clarke joins us too in her role as PPA teacher and has already settled well with children responding positively.
Year 6 have begun the 'Primary Pioneers' project with Nick & Sarah, two military personnel who are delivering a fantastic curriculum using the 'outdoor classroom'. In session one, the children had to work in teams to build bridges and correctly erect tents. Teamwork, communication, self-confidence, resilience, problem-solving (key skills for life long learning) are all promoted through this project and I look forward to seeing the children flourish.
Our clubs letter is going home this week and we hope lots of children will 'get involved' again this year. Another exciting opportunity this year is Gymnastics Club, run by qualified gym coaches. A letter has been sent home and I hope the club proves popular.
From a building perspective, the holidays were very productive. A new safety barrier was installed on the main driveway which makes the immediate area around the school a much safer environment. We have increased car parking spaces to help and relocated the bike store. Pedestrians can now enjoy a car-free walk up to the School Office and the Community Room.
Also, we have have installed hand-dryers in all toilet/sink areas. This not only makes hand washing much more hygenic but it also reduces paper towel waste and helps the environment. We've even installed one in Westview Playgroup!
Arriving soon will be some new high definition screens for interactive use in the classrooms. These will aid learning greatly and provide teaching staff with a fabulous platform in which to produce some great resources and teaching ideas. All very exciting....
Ellener and Courtney, two of our Year 6 pupils, will be starting their blog very soon. Please look out for their brief welcome!
It has been a somewhat busy start to the new academic year - all very positive and productive, but very busy...
Already there have been some exciting opportunities and challenges for our learners.
Year 1 and Year 3 children have new teachers (Mr Pring and Mr Harris respectively) and are rising to the expectations set. Mrs Clarke joins us too in her role as PPA teacher and has already settled well with children responding positively.
Year 6 have begun the 'Primary Pioneers' project with Nick & Sarah, two military personnel who are delivering a fantastic curriculum using the 'outdoor classroom'. In session one, the children had to work in teams to build bridges and correctly erect tents. Teamwork, communication, self-confidence, resilience, problem-solving (key skills for life long learning) are all promoted through this project and I look forward to seeing the children flourish.
Our clubs letter is going home this week and we hope lots of children will 'get involved' again this year. Another exciting opportunity this year is Gymnastics Club, run by qualified gym coaches. A letter has been sent home and I hope the club proves popular.
From a building perspective, the holidays were very productive. A new safety barrier was installed on the main driveway which makes the immediate area around the school a much safer environment. We have increased car parking spaces to help and relocated the bike store. Pedestrians can now enjoy a car-free walk up to the School Office and the Community Room.
Also, we have have installed hand-dryers in all toilet/sink areas. This not only makes hand washing much more hygenic but it also reduces paper towel waste and helps the environment. We've even installed one in Westview Playgroup!
Arriving soon will be some new high definition screens for interactive use in the classrooms. These will aid learning greatly and provide teaching staff with a fabulous platform in which to produce some great resources and teaching ideas. All very exciting....
Ellener and Courtney, two of our Year 6 pupils, will be starting their blog very soon. Please look out for their brief welcome!
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Summer holidays are here...
I would like to wish all of our children, parents/carers and other stakeholders and members of the local community (and online community) a very happy summer break.
Downsview has had another successful year - improving on our 'best ever' SATs results of last year is just one of our many pleasing outcomes...
The self confidence in lots of our children has grown and we really are seeing engaged and happy learners who are keen to achieve success and make progress.
Have a relaxing break and 'recharge the batteries' year is going to be another positive but busy one. Good teaching and learning takes energy, so do rest and enjoy the holidays.
Please don't let brains go to goo though! Make sure that you do some reading, play some puzzle games and write at every opportunity.
Thank you to all those involved in supporting the children and school - teamwork is so effective and greatly appreciated!
See you in September!
Mr Edwards :)
Downsview has had another successful year - improving on our 'best ever' SATs results of last year is just one of our many pleasing outcomes...
The self confidence in lots of our children has grown and we really are seeing engaged and happy learners who are keen to achieve success and make progress.
Have a relaxing break and 'recharge the batteries' year is going to be another positive but busy one. Good teaching and learning takes energy, so do rest and enjoy the holidays.
Please don't let brains go to goo though! Make sure that you do some reading, play some puzzle games and write at every opportunity.
Thank you to all those involved in supporting the children and school - teamwork is so effective and greatly appreciated!
See you in September!
Mr Edwards :)
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Year 6 'Go Ape' at Leeds Castle!
On Monday 22nd July (sorry for the delay in blogging, but it has been a rather busy end of year!) our Year 6 leavers spent the day at Leeds Castle enjoying the thrills and challenge of 'Go Ape'.
It was a brilliant day out and everyone had a fabulous time...although nervous at first, the children soon grew in confidence and were climbing trees, swinging from tree to tree, speeding down zip wires (the longest one being 250m long!) and generally having a blast!
The trees were pretty tall, but 'harnessed in' safely and climbing rope ladders the views were amazing (unless heights were an issue for you!).
Some of the landings were perfect...
...whilst others were rather fast and crazy!
It took bravery, nerve, confidence and teamwork to successfully complete the whole course...and we ceratinly did! To celebrate, we had a lovely picnic including some delicious cake!
Year 6 would like to thank...
The PTA - for organising their Leavers' trip, contributing to the cost and providing food.
The Governors - for the tasty treats!
Downsview Staff - who accompanied the trip (and got fully involved up in the trees)
Parents - for signing the permission slip!
It was a brilliant day out and everyone had a fabulous time...although nervous at first, the children soon grew in confidence and were climbing trees, swinging from tree to tree, speeding down zip wires (the longest one being 250m long!) and generally having a blast!
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Climbing the cargo net, having swung from a tree! |
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A long way up, but happy and thumbs up! |
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Touch-down! |
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Landing wasn't as easy as it might look! |
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More than a mouthful! |
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Sharing a well deserved treat! |
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Mmmmmm....tasty! (It was supposed to go in your mouth!) |
The PTA - for organising their Leavers' trip, contributing to the cost and providing food.
The Governors - for the tasty treats!
Downsview Staff - who accompanied the trip (and got fully involved up in the trees)
Parents - for signing the permission slip!
Friday, 19 July 2013
'Your Move' visit us...with a cheque!
Following our successful Summer Fair, the 'Your Move' Swanley team came to visit us today...and brought with them a cheque for £450!
In the photo below,Steve, Richard and Venetta are presenting us with the 'big' cheque. Children, representing all classes throughout the school, are smiling happily because they will be ones who benefit from all the fund-raising.
In the photo below,Steve, Richard and Venetta are presenting us with the 'big' cheque. Children, representing all classes throughout the school, are smiling happily because they will be ones who benefit from all the fund-raising.
All of the children will enjoy the purchases we make using the PTA money...we have lots of ideas on how to spend it!
Again, a huge thank you to the PTA Team for all their hard work this year - and to everyone in the local community for supporting us!
Thursday, 18 July 2013
How 'cool' are Apple Class?
The children in Apple Class having been keeping cool this week...just take a look!
The smiles on their faces say it all! Great thinking, Year R!
The smiles on their faces say it all! Great thinking, Year R!
Year 3 visit Hall Place and meet 'The Tudors'!
On Monday 15th July, Year 3 travelled to Hall Place...
Once there, the children enjoyed a packed day of learning...meeting two Tudor characters who helped bring their history topic alive!
It was a great day out...very educational and a lot of fun!
Well done to all the children for their enthusiasm and interest...I thought they all looked fantatsic in Tudor costume (but I was told that they weren't very comfortable and preferred being a modern day person!).
On Monday 15th July, Year 3 travelled to Hall Place...
Once there, the children enjoyed a packed day of learning...meeting two Tudor characters who helped bring their history topic alive!
It was a great day out...very educational and a lot of fun!
Well done to all the children for their enthusiasm and interest...I thought they all looked fantatsic in Tudor costume (but I was told that they weren't very comfortable and preferred being a modern day person!).
Monday, 15 July 2013
Hextable Athletics!
Hextable Athletics
On Wednesday 10th July, eight year 5s and eight year 6s went to Hextable to compete in the Primary District Athletics which included; rounder's ball throw, high jump, long jump, relays, javelin, sprints and shot put. Some of our team got some medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Altogether, there were 9 schools and we came in 5th place!
For more info about our school go to:
Friday, 12 July 2013
After our first rehearsal, it was time for a snack and drink...squash and cake!
Then it was back to the theatre for more rehearsals! The children played another four pieces of music that they will be playing tonight. It sounded great! Flutes and clarinets in time and in harmony...
And then, lunch! Mmmmm....
Following lunch (and a run around - playing 'it' on the grass!), it was time for a swim and then a 'percussion' workshop.
Not long now until 'show time'. We're looking forward to seeing all those parents who are joining us at 7:00p.m for the performance. Enjoy!
Focus and concentration |
Reading the music carefully... |
Timing and teamwork... |
The children are hard at work! In the above photos they are playing 'Greensleeves' of the many pieces they have learnt.
I'm currently sitting in the auditorium watching as approximately one hundred children from five local schools work together to polish their performance. Achievement and talent in abundance!
Rehearsals have begun here at Benenden School in preparation for the children's concert at 7:00p.m. tonight...
We left Swanley by coach at 8:00a.m this morning and after an hour and twenty minutes, we arrived at the impressive entrance and drive-way of Benenden School. After a quick toilet break, the eight Year 4 children playing in the orchestra were called to the stage to begin their work...
They have made a very positive start to the day - I'm amazed by the progress they have all made in short time that they have been learning the clarinet...just brilliant!
I'm hoping to take some photos and upload to the blog this space! Mr Edwards :)
We left Swanley by coach at 8:00a.m this morning and after an hour and twenty minutes, we arrived at the impressive entrance and drive-way of Benenden School. After a quick toilet break, the eight Year 4 children playing in the orchestra were called to the stage to begin their work...
They have made a very positive start to the day - I'm amazed by the progress they have all made in short time that they have been learning the clarinet...just brilliant!
I'm hoping to take some photos and upload to the blog this space! Mr Edwards :)
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Bach To The Future!
On Monday 8th July, we had a unusually interesting assembly...
Instead of Mr Edwards, three visitors from Kent Music School performed their road show, 'Bach to the Future'!
We were impressed with the variety of instruments they showed us and played. They played several movie theme tunes including Indiana Jones and Ghostbusters!
They inspired many of us to learn to play a new instrument. Some of our Year 4 children will continue the music theme on Friday as they travel to Benenden School for their Kent Music Experience. Please check out our blog on Friday for more...
Monday, 10 June 2013
Year 5/6 trip to PGL!
On Friday some children from years 5/6 went to PGL all the way in Surrey.
Here are some quotes from a few of the children who attended this trip;
John Boswell: It was a fun 3 day experience!
Tiegan Poulter: The weekend spent with my friends was awesome. Our group leader (Gregg) was fair, fun and fantastic. He looked after us and was always there!
Jack Bonner: The best 3 days of my life!
Kaci McAleese: I enjoyed PGL very much because I loved being able to spend time with my friends. It was a memorable experience that I will never forget!
Cem Sepet: I had a great weekend but I also missed my mum!
Here is a list of all the activities we did; Power Fan, Zip Wire, Great Egg Race, Jacob's Ladder, Rock Climbing, Problem Solving, Abseiling, Archery, Low Ropes and Rifle Shooting.
Maisie and Ellener
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