Tuesday 8 October 2013

Our first Key Stage 1 blog!

Hello readers!

We are Cherry Class and we are going to tell you about this week in Apple, Birch and Cherry classes.

In Cherry Class we have been learning about Antarctica and we have been writing about penguins, seals and whales. Also, we have been learning about Ernest Shackleton. Did you know his boat got stuck in the ice? His boat was called the Endurance.
In P.E. we have been doing gymnastics with Mrs Thomas and outdoor games with Mr House. Have you played volcanoes and valleys? It's great fun!

Birch Class have been learning about a story called Traction Man and they have been doing some fantastic writing based on the book. They have been collaging and writing about the setting. In Numeracy Birch Class have been making towers of cubes to help with their subtraction.

In Apple Class they have been learning about bones and different parts of the body. When our reporters visited Apple Class some children were Mums and Dads and some were on the bouncy hoppers.

We hope you liked our first blog and that you will come and read our next blog next week!

Cherry Class